Which main Kharif crops are sown in the dry western plains of Rajasthan?

Which main Kharif crops are sown in the dry western plains of Rajasthan? / राजस्थान के शुष्क पश्चिमी मैदानी क्षेत्र में खरीफ की कौन सी मुख्य फसलों को बोया जाता है?

(A) Mustard and gram / सरसों व चना

(B) Wheat and gram / गेहूँ व चना

(C) Millet, moth and sesame / बाजरा, मोठ व तिल

(D) Wheat, mustard and cumin / गेहूँ, सरसों व जीरा

Answer: C

Agriculture and allied sectors contribute around 28 per cent to the state’s GDP. Main Kharif crops in Rajasthan – Guar, pearl millet (Bajra), Moong, Moth, Jowar, Sesame, and Soybean are the main crops sown during the Kharif or also known as rain-fed crops. Other major crops include maize, moth, and Urad. Rajasthan is the top-most producer of guar (red lentils) with around 70 per cent share in the country’s total production of the crop.

There are different types of climatic variations are seen in Rajasthan of climate namely temperature, atmospheric pressure, winds, rainfall, and span of the day, etc.

  • There are extremely dry climatic conditions in parts of western Rajasthan.
  • The dry climatic conditions in western Rajasthan comprise regular low rainfall and high temperature. Extremely high temperatures and scorching heat are the characteristic features of this kind of climatic condition prevalent in Western Rajasthan.

Loo: The scorching heat wave prevalent in the region is locally termed as loo.

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