The Government of India is planning to implement a new highway toll collection system based on which technology?

The Government of India is planning to implement a new highway toll collection system based on which technology? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)

(A) Near Field Communication

(B) Global Navigation Satellite System

(C) Radio Frequency Identification

(D) Barcode Scanning

(E) Question not attempted

Answer: B

The government is set to introduce toll collection based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) next week, with vehicles equipped with On-Board Units (OBUs). Once fully implemented, this new system will eliminate the need for physical toll plazas, enabling uninterrupted highway travel.

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भारत सरकार एक नये राष्ट्रमार्ग टोल संग्रहण प्रणाली पर विचार कर रही है यह किस तकनीक पर आधारित होगा? (निम्न में से सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनें)

(A) नियर फील्ड कम्यूनिकेशन

(B) ग्लोबल नेविगेशन सैटेलाइट सिस्टम

(C) रेडियो फ्रीक्वेन्सी आइडेन्टीफिकेशन

(D) बारकोड स्कैनिंग

(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

Answer: B

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