According to Mahabharata evidences, who ruled over the region during the epical times and had Republican System of Government?
(A) Peer Zada Hassan
(B) Kamboj
(C) Gonanda
(D) Kushan
Answer: B
The earliest history of Kashmir could be traced during the epical Mahabharata period which reveals that the region was under the Republican system of Kambojas and Rajapura was their capital which is now known as Rajouri. Later, this region went in the hands of Panchala. It is known from the name Pir Panjal which is a distorted form of the Sanskritic tribal term ‘Panchala’.
Also, check: Ancient History of Jammu and Kashmir For Competitive Exams Preparation
Read more: Jammu & Kashmir General Studies | General Knowledge of J&K