Red blood cells of which of the following blood groups contains both A and B antigens?

Red blood cells of which of the following blood groups contains both A and B antigens? निम्न में से किस रुधिर समूह की लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं में A तथा B दोनों प्रतिजन (एंटीजन) पाये जाते हैं?

(A) B

(B) AB

(C) O

(D) A

(E) Question not attempted / अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

Answer: B

There are four primary groups of blood type:

Group A – contains only the A antigen on red cells with B antibody in the plasma. Group B – contains only the B antigen on red cells with A antibody in the plasma.

Group AB – has both the A and B antigens on red cells, but neither A or B antibody in the plasma.

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