RPSC RAS Exam Preparation 2024: Study Tips For Prelims & Mains

RPSC RAS Exam Preparation 2024: Study Tips For Prelims & Mains. Candidates Preparing for RPSC RAS exam can check study tips for RAS prelims & mains. RPSC RAS/RTS Prelims exam will be held on February 2, 2025.

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RPSC RAS Exam Preparation 2024: Study Tips For Prelims & Mains

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) is responsible for Rajasthan Administrative Services exams to recruit candidates to work in different departments of the Rajasthan government. Through this exam, applicants are selected for RAS state service & subordinate services exam. The exam is highly competitive due to limited vacancies and a large number of registered candidates. Hence, to clear the exam and achieve the desired result, applicants must develop an effective proper preparation strategy.

Before beginning to prepare for the exam, it is crucial to have a complete understanding of the RPSC RAS syllabus in order to perform well on the paper. Further, it is also necessary to keep in mind the exam pattern and structure. Continue reading to know some important preparation tips that can help student’s efficient RPSC preparation strategy.

RPSC RAS Preparation 2024

RPSC RAS Prelims exam will be held on February 2, 2025. However, the application process begins from September 19 and last date to fill application form for RPSC RAS/RTS Prelims 2024 is 18th October 2024. Candidates appearing for the examination are advised to begin their preparation. It is advisable for candidates to take reference from RPSC RAS/RTS previous year question papers.

It is essential to perform well in each selection round, as those who clear the prelims round will be selected for RPSC mains. Therefore, applicants must first conduct RPSC preparation for prelims followed by further rounds. When the concept for the RPSC prelims syllabus is clear, it will be easier for students to study for mains as the syllabus is more or less similar in nature or you can first read those subjects are common in both prelims and mains. Check below to know some expert-recommended prep tips that can prove to be helpful for students.

RPSC RAS Prelims Preparation 2024

The RAS preliminary exam for RPSC consists of: General Knowledge and General Science. The candidates appearing for the examination are advised to go through the exam pattern and syllabus to prepare well. The RAS prelims paper consists of questions from the following topics:

Note: You can also check full syllabus of RPSC RAS Prelims Exam 2024

RPSC Preparation Tips 2024

Check below to know some prep tips that should be incorporated into candidates’ preparation strategy:

Understanding of the RPSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Mastering the exam pattern and syllabus is the first and most important stage in RAS preparation. Knowing the format, number of questions, types of questions, marking scheme, and allotted time will make it easier for the candidates to perform better on the GS Paper. Moreover, knowing the syllabus well will help applicants know the important topics and concepts.

Choose Recommended Study Material: For RPSC RAS/RTS preparation, using quality study materials is essential. Verify that applicants consult the most effective books and academic resources available in the market. Further, candidates can also consult resources available on the Internet. Before purchasing or utilising any material, make sure to conduct proper research about how efficient it is. You can use expert recommendations or past test-takers suggestions before buying RPSC RAS books.

Also, Check: RPSC RAS Prelims 2024 Test Series

Practice More & Learn Time Management: An important aspect of RAS/RTS preparation is time management. Both when preparing for the exam and when taking it, candidates should use time management strategies. The exam (both Prelims and Mains) will be lengthy and missing out on questions will lead to a deduction of marks or lack behind other aspirants. Hence, applicants should skill how to manage their time in a way they are able to solve the exam in the allotted time.

RPSC RAS Previous Year Papers: Consistently solving RPSC previous year papers can be helpful while preparing for the RPSC PAS/RTS exam 2024-25. Students will understand the structure of the exam better when they practice from such previous papers. Moreover, with every solved paper, applicants will feel more confident and can analyse their strengths and weaknesses based on their performance in past papers.

Make a Dedicated Study Plan: Building a study plan wherein applicants divide their time for each subject and topic is essential. It will make studying more structured while allowing preparation time for each subject. Further, applicants can allocate more time to topics that they find challenging. This will help candidates to a greater extent as the RPSC RAS exam has a vast syllabus and students often find it difficult to focus on every subject.

Updated with Current Affairs: It is extremely important to be updated with latest current affairs and issues, with special emphasis on current events in the state of Rajasthan and India. Further, current events of international and national importance are dynamic with new updates coming in every day. Hence, applicants must keep themselves updated by dedicating time to reading newspapers, watching the news etc.

Revision is the key: As the syllabus is vast, applicants must keep revising what they have already studied. If they don’t make notes to follow up in revision, they may forget the old concepts when they study newer topics and subjects so making notes is very important and useful. Hence, Make sure you routinely review the subjects you have already learnt. Regularly review the key concepts, formulas, and themes.

RPSC RAS Books 2024

As stated in the article above, studying from expert-recommended books can take preparation to the next level. The market, both offline and online, is flooded with study material/Notes/Books that is easy to access. With so many options available students may get confused and consequently may choose to study from books that may not have adequate content.

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