Which Indian athletes is known as the ‘Queen of Indian Track and Field’ or ‘Golden Girl?

Which Indian athletes is known as the ‘Queen of Indian Track and Field’ or ‘Golden Girl? [CET 12th 2024]

(A) Krishna Punia

(B) P. T. Usha

(C) Sunita Rani

(D) Kamaljeet Sindhu

(E) Question not attempted

Answer: B

P. T. Usha: The queen of track and field for two decades, the woman who was nicknamed ‘Payyoli Express”,udanpari’, and “Golden Girl” because of her speed on the race-track, Pilavullakandi Thekke Parampil Usha (P.T. Usha) proud of india.

Also, check: In which year Rajasthan State Food & Civil Supplies Corporation was established? राजस्थान राज्य खाद्य एवं नागरिक आपूर्ति निगम की स्थापना किस वर्ष में हुई थी?

निम्नलिखित में से किस भारतीय एथलीट को ‘भारतीय ट्रेक और फील्ड की रानी’ या ‘गोल्डन गर्ल’ के नाम से जाना जाता है?

(A) कृष्णा पुनिया

(B) पी. टी. ऊषा

(C) सुनीता रानी

(D) कमलजीत संधु

(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

Answer: B

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